Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is the best creatine to use if want to get fit and tone?

i used to go the to the gym 3 times a week for 3 hours a session using creatine (about 7yrs ago) and got very strong. have not touched weights for years and want to tone up using a multigym in the garage but would like a little help with creatine. which is the best as their seems to be a lot of different types around. im male 30 yrs old
It sounds like you will know what you're doing and the quantities of creatine you need. So I won't preach about the problems associated with creatine consumption. Since you were taking creatine there have been a lot of changes and more products entering the market. This makes it confusing from the time were there was probably only the choice of one. The main introduction is to make things faster so you will get products that state that they have a quick release formula or fast acting that will get the creatine to the muscles faster. If you are determined to do your exercise with a supplement then I would avoid these ones at all costs as most of it will get wasted as the body can only take on so much creatine at anyone time. It is much better to have the original creatine that you had that takes the body longer to digest, it will mean that it will continually supply the muscles over a longer period.I cannot recommend a variety of creatine as I don't agree with it, however I doubt this will change your mind so just go for the box standard creatine.I hope this has helped, good luck!
i jsut got body factor capsules which is pure creatine (the best)
you can also get the powder which i have been told is better you get it form holland and barrets and they have sale on the caps 240 for the 120 price
Whey is most beneficial. Also keep in mind that if you are looking for weight loss, u would want to stick to a low fat and low carb creatine. Creatine doesnt make u stronger, it retains water in your muscle fibres giving you longer lasting energy during contractions, thus aiding in strength training or hypertrophy. 3 hours is WAY too long. 1 hour of weights training is more than enough. 3 hours is endurance training. you just want to do 3 sets of 8 - 10 reps ( if u are after hypertrophy). You could also think about a split set where one day u do chest shoulder and triceps, followed by a rest day, then back, bicep and legs. then repeat. This way you are working opposing muscle groups.
Creatine is not what you need. All it does is supply the muscles with energy for a very short period of time at the beginning of your workout. Instead, go for a protein/creatine mix. There are 2 relatively cheap, good, all round products to look into:Maximuscle Cyclone - Cytosport Complete, although I don't think this product contains creatine you have the budget, the best product I've ever used is LA Muscle Komplete, not sure if it has creatine in it, but I saw real results using it.
I used to buy mine at Holland Barrett, but, caution is required. Too much Creatine puts a strain on the Kidneys. If you have had any Kidney problems, or are an older person, you must seek advice ( I don't regard thirty as old). Creatine has to be used by working out in the gym shortly after you take it. The body will not store it.

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