Sunday, October 25, 2009

What is the average weight for a 14 year old girl?

im 14, 5'1, and i weigh 95 pounds. is that too much? or too little?
You are perfect. The healthly weight for your height and age is 84-124 pounds.
90% of 14 year old girls weigh between 85 (6 stone 1) and 160 pounds (11 stone 5) and are between 5' and 5'8" with taller girls weighing more and shorter girls weighing less. As you can see this is quite a wide range. But this means there are still 10% of girls who are taller/shorter and heavier/lighter than this. The first answerer is fairly tall for 14 and slim (132 pounds)for her height. Check out the weblink for the average for your height. But don't forget you are probably still growing, and generally the shorter you are the more growing you still have to do. If you are underweight you need to catch up a bit becasue it is in the teenage years that bone mass is laid down which will see you through to a healthy old age. If you are a bit overweight you need to eat healthily and let your height catch up with your weight.
In fat AmeriKa, it's probably 200 pounds
holy crap you're skinny. I'm the same height as you and i weigh 115, which is a good weight b/c my BMI is in the healthy range.
you could lose between 5 to 10 pounds to be right there
BMI says you are underweight, then again, its not the best test for someone who is 14. You are certainly not overweight, and you shouldn't be worrying about your weight at the age of 14. Go hang out with your friends and enjoy being young.

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