Tuesday, May 25, 2010
What is the best way to develop a lean stomach (not bulgy muscles)?
You need to start doing cardio to burn off the fat that's on top of your abs, I'd do some sit-ups and reverse crunches to get a solid definition, but it's not necessary... You just need to get rid of the fat that's covering your abdominal muscles.
my fave way..i know a band geek answer but...marching band. you gain so much muscle
that depends if ur a guy or a girl...for girls i just do about 20 crunches a day (actully some days i skip) and i have that nice little circle thing and maybe if u look real close a four pack.it doesnt look like i hav a lot of muscle, but my abs are rock solid. if ur a guy im not sure what you would do considering ive nvr been one...
Find a gym where they have a machine called a rotary torso. This works the oblique abdominals on the side of the abs and flattens the stomach. By far the most effective ab exercise I have experienced but not so easy to find. You sit with your legs braced facing either side and twist to the front with weight resistance.
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