Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the best way for me to get a six pack?

I weigh 160 im 5'11''; i walk every day for 30 min. i do 300 situps and 100 pushups every day, and i only eat meats, vegetables, and nuts...i just started eating like this for two days so far, is this enough or is there something else i can do
one word: planks
planks are the simplest and easiest way to work your whole abs and arms. They are awesome. also you can try using a BOSU ball and doing curnches while balensing on that. It is the most intese abs excersize i have done. but planks are really good. Basically you get in a push up positio and then rest your elbos on the ground keeping your body flat and tight like a plank. Hold that for one minute. there are even variations of planks.
They work the best and they are totally free because they involve not equipment. I do recomend doing them on a yoga mat for comfort.
mhm! sure ready to go!! (=
yes! hahah.h
CRUNChES.you will see the results soooooo soon, trust me.instead of sit ups %26 pushups, do crunches, but you have to do them the right way.if you`re not feeling pain by the time you do 30, you`re not doing `em right.
Well this is a VERY GOOD way to get a six pack. My brother is trying to but he does this thing where he has 1 min. to do as much as push-ups. He does this early in the morning because morning is the best. Then he has 1 min. to do as many sit-ups as he can. This is also taken in the morning. Just be patient, you will find results VERY soon. Keep doing this everyday in the morning AND evening. Also keep in mind to not eat junk food because the junk food will cover and not show your six pack abs. Junk food make layers of fat. I hope this helps :)
Go to 7-11 and pick up a six pack! LOL
Sorry sit-ups and what I did was get a round stick about one foot long and put a wieght on a sting on it in the middle and twist it up slow and down slow while doing sit-ups.
people who focus on one muscle group don't see results usually. you need a solid full body routine.

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