Tuesday, May 25, 2010
What is the best way to lose fat?
If you want instant weight loss, try eating healthy, then try to sprint as hard as you can. It's really hard but hey I lost 8 lbs. in just a week.
eating healthy things and lots of cardio
eat very clean and exercise
Eat 6 small but balanced meals per day. Your carbs should be high in fiber and your proteins should be lean. Fats should be sparing but concentrated in the omega 3's and omega 6's. This will provide a slow but constant stream of vital nutrients. Avoid greasy foods, alcohol, and candy.Lift weights or perform power yoga because either of these will slightly increase your lean mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours per day. This will increase your resting metabolic rate. Also, some cardio helps.Use a measuring tape instead of a scale to measure your progress because it is more accurate than the scale.Here is a sample workout and a sample meal plan:
No magic here. Exercise and diet. If you can run, jog, or walk at least 30-45 minutes, five days a week, cut out the carbs, drink lots of water and think, "Nothing tastes as good as thin looks," before you put something into your mouth, you won't believe how fast the weight comes off! Just be honest with yourself about what you're eating. It's just simple physics, pal
Weight does not mean anything, it is the BMI that counts.
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women.BMI Categories:
Underweight = %26lt;18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater Try incorporating the Glycaemic Index into your eating plan is surprisingly easy. Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals.
o Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
o Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
o Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
o Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
o Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels
o Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS
o Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer
o Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance
o High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exerciseCheck out the following website:
and look for this link: Transistionslifestyle
check out the eTools on the site, it has Meal Planner, Exercise Planner, Personal Progress Tracker ...
or email: newme@unfranchise.comTransitions is an extensive plan that covers everything you'll need to get fit and trim, not just a set of foods you can or cannot eat. In fact, a big part of the Transitions Lifestyle System is helping you make healthy choices while still eating a normal, diverse diet!
Try these
1) Eat 5 to 6 times a day.
2) Eat lots of veggies, lean meat and complex carbs
(low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein.)
3) Reduce sugar intake and simple carbs. They make
you hungry fast.Cut junk food .
4) Take 2 to 3 cups of low fat milk, cheese, yoghurt.
5) Choose an exercise that you like and will do for life.I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and an hour brisk walk every weekday morning.
And I am still at 108 lbs since I lost 31 lbs one year ago.More details in my blog. Xiaozhen
What is the best way to lose belly fat?
what is the best way to lose belly fat?Thank you.
Fastest way is lying back down on the floor and doing sit ups while pulling up your knees to your opposite of your arms. Like when you pull up have your right elbow meet your left knee, and so on 100 times. Then to 200 times a day. Now I'm doing 300 a day and I have the abs to back that up. The faster you go the more you'll fell the burn, and thats the burn of losing fat. Only took me really 2 months to get results.
50 stomach crunches a day does good
eating salads and running
Fastest way is lying back down on the floor and doing sit ups while pulling up your knees to your opposite of your arms. Like when you pull up have your right elbow meet your left knee, and so on 100 times. Then to 200 times a day. Now I'm doing 300 a day and I have the abs to back that up. The faster you go the more you'll fell the burn, and thats the burn of losing fat. Only took me really 2 months to get results.
50 stomach crunches a day does good
eating salads and running
What is the best way to lose 30lbs in 30 days?
what is the best way to lose 30lbs in 30 days?Thank you.
the special k diet (cereal) which is just a meal replacement diet.from memory, i'm thinking a bowl of cereal with lowfat milk is ~300 cals per bowl. if you have two bowls a day and a sensible meal, you should be eating about ~1500 cals a day.typically, the average person will "burn" through ~2000 cals per day doing normal movements--moderate exercise, moving around, etc...(hence, the recommended 2000cal daily value since this amount of eating should maintain your weight).so with your meal replacement, you're down 500 cals per day, times 7 days for the week and you'll lose "one pound per week" with meal replacement.to "enhance" your weight loss, you should be exercising...and we'll consider 100 cals per 15 minutes of moderately-paced walking. if you walk for an hour a day, thats 400 cals your down...per week, that would be about another pound you've lost--so total, 2lbs per week.i believe most dieticians don't recommend losing more than 2lbs per week, as rapid weight loss tends not to be "permanent" weight loss (eg. yo-yo dieting).
and you also have to keep in mind, more exercising will increase your muscle mass and reduce your fat mass--muscle is more dense than fat (one pound of muscle will 'take up less space' than one pound of fat), so you will look slimmer but may weigh heavier.so, my opinion...i don't completely rely on the scale to gauge "weight loss" it's better to go with overall body measurements to "see" if you're "loosing weight"
The best way is to realize that it is impossible and set a realistic goal
It would be pretty hard to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. That's a pound a day and to do that you would need to burn 3600 calories more than you are taking in. Since the average person needs 2000 calories per day just to exist, if you ate only 1200 calories a day you would need to burn an additional 2800 calories per day to lose one pound. Considering you burn about 900 calories an hour on the elliptical, you would need to work out at your maximum heart rate for over 3 hours per day. And even that probably wouldn't be too healthy.
the special k diet (cereal) which is just a meal replacement diet.from memory, i'm thinking a bowl of cereal with lowfat milk is ~300 cals per bowl. if you have two bowls a day and a sensible meal, you should be eating about ~1500 cals a day.typically, the average person will "burn" through ~2000 cals per day doing normal movements--moderate exercise, moving around, etc...(hence, the recommended 2000cal daily value since this amount of eating should maintain your weight).so with your meal replacement, you're down 500 cals per day, times 7 days for the week and you'll lose "one pound per week" with meal replacement.to "enhance" your weight loss, you should be exercising...and we'll consider 100 cals per 15 minutes of moderately-paced walking. if you walk for an hour a day, thats 400 cals your down...per week, that would be about another pound you've lost--so total, 2lbs per week.i believe most dieticians don't recommend losing more than 2lbs per week, as rapid weight loss tends not to be "permanent" weight loss (eg. yo-yo dieting).
and you also have to keep in mind, more exercising will increase your muscle mass and reduce your fat mass--muscle is more dense than fat (one pound of muscle will 'take up less space' than one pound of fat), so you will look slimmer but may weigh heavier.so, my opinion...i don't completely rely on the scale to gauge "weight loss" it's better to go with overall body measurements to "see" if you're "loosing weight"
The best way is to realize that it is impossible and set a realistic goal
It would be pretty hard to lose 30 pounds in 30 days. That's a pound a day and to do that you would need to burn 3600 calories more than you are taking in. Since the average person needs 2000 calories per day just to exist, if you ate only 1200 calories a day you would need to burn an additional 2800 calories per day to lose one pound. Considering you burn about 900 calories an hour on the elliptical, you would need to work out at your maximum heart rate for over 3 hours per day. And even that probably wouldn't be too healthy.
What is the best way to loose weight? I weigh 230 pounds and im 5'5?
There are lots of ways to gently increase the amount of calories you burn to lose weight, without turning your life upside down - including having a good belly laugh every dayAlso becoming smarter about what you eat to ensure you are getting the best possible quality nutrition for your overall health is one of the most important things to learn.If you struggle with weight gain it’s a good bet that you have tried at least one of the “fad” diets that crop up on a regular basis. The truth is that some of these diets may grant you temporary weight loss. In the usual case, however, the weight returns as soon as you stray from the diet. The bottom line is that you gain weight because you consume more calories than your body is able to use and no diet is a substitute for good eating habits. Your body requires a certain number of calories in order to function properly. If you truly wish to lose weight, you must burn off more calories than your body requires. The most important tool in your weight loss program does not include diet or exercise. There is no special equipment you need to purchase. You don’t need to join a gym or health club. Here are some healthy ways to burn more calories;
http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...This article talks about how laughing is a great way to burn calories %26 improve health.
http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...Here are some facts about your best nutrition to help you manage your ideal body weight.
http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...BMI chart to help you calculate your ideal body weight:
http://www.best-natural-cures-health-gui...Hope this is of some use to you. just read and learn, as ultimately only YOU can be responsible for improving your health, not a drug company.Take simple steps and just build onto that, and step by step you will find your health is more and more under your control.GOOD LUCK %26 BEST WISHES - Helene
eat smaller portions and u have to go to the gym at least 3 times a week and drink 2 liters of water a day.
Start with your doctor. Make sure there is not health problems or underlying chemical imbalances.
1. Get rid of all the boxed, junk, and sugary foods, sodas, etc.
2. Buy all kinds of fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits, very lean meats, whole grain, low carb breads and pastas, and nothing with high fructose corn syrup in the top five ingredients.
3. Eat 1500 calories a day and walk for 30 minutes a day. Break the walking up in to shorter times if it is too hard at first.
4. Check out the calorie counters on the web.
5. Limit your carbs to 27 per meal or less.
6. Consider going to Weight Wathers. It is fun, it is cheap and it works for life.
7. Get a notebook and keep track of your daily meals, calories, carbs, and exercise.
8. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
9. Take a multi-vitamin
10. Only eat 2-4 oz of meat at a time.
11. Check out all the free info on the net, expecially the FDA site, WebMD and sites like that.
Get a buddy, or support in your area so it is fun and you are accountable. Enjoy your new energy and health.
Here's a serious answer. I hope it helps.
*If want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
*(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)
*Fad diets sometimes work but, you can be sure that at least 25% of the weight you lose will be muscle. Then when you stop the diet you will gain back all of the weight you lost but no muscle. So, you will have 25% more fat than you did before! Fad diets just aren't worth the bother.
*Fasting or skipping meals will teach your body that famine is common in your world and your body will begin to store more fat to get you through the next period when food is not available. It's better to eat healthy foods often to teach your body that food is plentiful and that there is no need to store calories as fat. Eat a vegetablw or frui every two hours.
*Here's a simple trick that can help you lose weight without doing anything else. Drink a litre of water as soon as you wake up in the morning and then drink two more throughout the day. You'll notice a difference the first month.
*Here's another trick that works. For every pound of muscle that you add, your body will burn 3000 calories (1lb) of fat every day. That means that just by having an extra pound of muscle on your body you will burn a pound of fat every day! So, add muscle!
*This is the fastest way to add a pound of muscle.
Squats and Pushups! You do them on alternate days;
squats one day, pushups the next. And you do them SuperSlow style. That is, you do the easy part twice as slow as the hard part. That way you fatigue the muscles quickly. Then you rest the muscles for 48 hours which gives the body a chance to make new muscles.
*Squats should be done with a wide stance and all the way to the floor. Pushups the with palms shoulder width apart and all the way to the floor, then all the way up. Use the full range of motion of the muscle group you are trying to develop. If you are too weak to do pushups, try them with your knees on the floor or do them with your feet on the floor and your hands an the bed.
*The idea is to tire the muscles out completely so do a set of squats until you can't do another, then rest for a couple of minutes and do it again. Do that 3 times and you're done for the day. The following day, don't do squats but do pushups. Do them the same way, going down twice as slow as you come up.
*You will lose weight fast, unless you add more junk food and fat to your diet. Instead, eat at least 5 to 7 different raw vegetables and fruits every day. Cut out anything that comes in a bag, box, can, bottle or any kind of package. In other words, cut out all processed foods, soft drinks and sweets. Eat more grains and less red meat. Check out the Food Pyramid.
*If you really want to give your body the best possible chance to be healthy and fat free, go to infinity2.com (Link at bottom of page) and order their weight loss formula and Essentials for Life. That will give you all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics that your body needs and will keep you feeling better and healthier. They also have a Proteabolic Mass Formula for serious athletes who want to build muscle mass quickly and safely.
*Weight loss without exercise is not good. You need to eat healthy, exercise and get your rest. You will feel better, look better and be healthier. Try it for a week. You will notice a difference. You will feel better and that will motivate you to continue.
*Losing weight only in specific areas of the body is impossible. You can't just lose weight around the belly, for instance. So, if you want tight, rippled abs, do crunches and leg raises every other day the way I described above.
*One last point, stretching is essential for a number of reasons. Pick up a copy of ''Stretching'' by Bob Anderson. Read the intro and understand his reasoning before you do the exercisis. Good luck!
*This information is based on my personal and professional experience.
*Check these links:
http://www.infinity2.com Sponsor ID 3290988
It's simple: Less food, more exercise. I ate nothing but plain tuna mixed with peas and noodles for three months and lost 30 lbs. I also walked, ran, did the stairmaster, and had a job that required lifting. That was 15 years ago, and I have kept the weight off. I was able to maintain my slim figure by realizing that I had to change my body's way of thinking and, ultimately, my way of life. So will you. You can't eat what you want anymore - those days are gone. You have to exercise. You have to. If you are uncomfortable being seen in front of other people, then try using DVDs. I really get a lot out of Tae-Bo. It is fun, Billy is very motivating, and I can do it in the privacy of my own living room. I am sure you feel hopeless, but don't. There are thousands of people who have faced the same challenge, and they met it head on and succeeded. Why not you? Why not now?
Surely you can lose weight visit below given website and follow the steps given. Click adlinks to know more informations about weight loss and diet. Surely visit it will be very useful to you to lose weight. Check ads to know more
Diet and exercise. eat healthy id suggest for you the
"30, 30, 40 rule" 30% of your daily food intake should be good lean proteine (chicken fish etc.) 30% should be good mono-unsaturated fats (olive oil, nuts, peanutbutter etc.) and 40% should be complex carbs (carbs from fruits and veggies) eat 6 times daily, not whole huge meals 6 times but small meals like an apple with peanutbutter on it. Try eating a proteine with every meal. And always eat breakfast.
Exercise everyday. jump rope, jog, do abdominal work. buy a stability ball and use that. If you are serious join a gym and hire a personal trainer. Diet and exercise are the only ways you will lose weight.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
well, eat almost everything but with limits... if you feel hungry and you just ate lunch or dinner, eat fruits and vegetables! in addition, youcould drink as much water as possible! it's the 70% of your body and it will give you the feeling that you r full too, so you won't feel hungry the whole time! cellulite will be vanished too! and how about start walking to the supermarket even if it's 5 or 20 minutes far from home? one hour of walking is good for the heart, works out the muscles of the feet and tummy and helps lose weight, too... but remember, your body needs alla elements that it can only find in food, but reduce, slty or sweet snacks, and if you can't, at least try to work out and drink water! it needs patience, but if you need good results with no health problems, you have to be patient...good luck!
230 5'5 u should be 115-120 for ur hight and u should do cardio 5 times a week for an hour light weights for 30 min and abbs and eat a low fat diet portion control
if you really want to lose your weight don't worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details visit the below website.
What is the best way to loose weight?
I want to loose weight fast. but don't want to do any thing unhealthy. Please suggest me some ways in which i can reduce my weight fairly quickly.
it is impossible to loose weightyou can lose weight, by not eating snack cakes
and by getting off your lazy **** and exercising
Simple, quit eating so much and exercise!
healthy diet (try to avoid ALL junk foods)..don't do anything dangerous like starving yourself. You should also exercise.
Exercise and eat healthy, reduce how many calories you consume
Limit yourself to a 1400 calorie intake per day. Exercise for 2 hours each day. Tredmill, pushups, crunches, swimming, Lifting weights.
whatever you do, don't become anorexic or bulimic. if you have a high metabolism excersize is the best. I can excersize for 20 min and loose 2 pounds. do not expect to loose weight super fast. when people do that they give up too easily. e-mail me if you want to know more. i have great tips!
be a mia or ana
diet and excercise..one thing i did was stop drinking soda then i started walking more...slowly getting into a rhythm.then started making healthier food choices.eventually i got into boxing..basically when starting an excercise pick something you will like that way it will become a hobby and not working out...you will be working out and not even know it..good luck
run for an hour every other day and also the day you dont run work your abs eat healhty small meals real small
Cut out all sugars, but don't cut your calories too much. You could have a weight problem for life if you cut back too much. Of course, exercise; weight lifting would add muscle, heavy stuff. Try swimming, bicycling and walking. Walk a lot, park at the far end of the parking lot, walk to the store. Walk every where you can. Eat healthy, watch you fat intake. You need some fat for vitamin absorption, but fats are high in calories. Did I mention walk every where? Then walk some more.
The healthiest way to lose weight is to burn more than you take in. Increasing your exercise and decreasing your food intake is the safest and most effective way to lose weight. You should aim to lose two pounds a week. Your body can better maintain that amount, and you won't likely gain it back quickly, like may quick weight loss programs.
Eat right and join a community sport that makes you exert yourself like soccer, football, martial arts or boxing.
you can safely lose about 2 lbs a week, by cutting calories, down by like 500, say if u normally consume 2000 in a day, cut it to 1500-do not go below 1200, make sure your eating healthy meals too, such as grilled chicken with veges and salad, just think unprocessed food, and load up on fruits veges, protein and whole grains. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, it helps flush out your body of toxins, and gets rid of bloat. Also its a must to do intense cardio, i.e. 60 minutes a day, and weight training is nescessary to build muscle which increases your metabolism, thus helping you burn fat faster! Seriously- diet and exercise are the only true ways to lose weight, just stick with it!
sew mouth shut and for irritation felt, work it off walking/jogging/running. Before sewing mouth shut, get some good meal replacement shakes from health food store (not Slimfast=mostly sugar, go easy on soy-based unless you want to grow boobs from estrogen-enhancing effects). Lots of water and a good liquid multi...think straws! No more than 40 days and get Drs ok!
it is impossible to loose weightyou can lose weight, by not eating snack cakes
and by getting off your lazy **** and exercising
Simple, quit eating so much and exercise!
healthy diet (try to avoid ALL junk foods)..don't do anything dangerous like starving yourself. You should also exercise.
Exercise and eat healthy, reduce how many calories you consume
Limit yourself to a 1400 calorie intake per day. Exercise for 2 hours each day. Tredmill, pushups, crunches, swimming, Lifting weights.
whatever you do, don't become anorexic or bulimic. if you have a high metabolism excersize is the best. I can excersize for 20 min and loose 2 pounds. do not expect to loose weight super fast. when people do that they give up too easily. e-mail me if you want to know more. i have great tips!
be a mia or ana
diet and excercise..one thing i did was stop drinking soda then i started walking more...slowly getting into a rhythm.then started making healthier food choices.eventually i got into boxing..basically when starting an excercise pick something you will like that way it will become a hobby and not working out...you will be working out and not even know it..good luck
run for an hour every other day and also the day you dont run work your abs eat healhty small meals real small
Cut out all sugars, but don't cut your calories too much. You could have a weight problem for life if you cut back too much. Of course, exercise; weight lifting would add muscle, heavy stuff. Try swimming, bicycling and walking. Walk a lot, park at the far end of the parking lot, walk to the store. Walk every where you can. Eat healthy, watch you fat intake. You need some fat for vitamin absorption, but fats are high in calories. Did I mention walk every where? Then walk some more.
The healthiest way to lose weight is to burn more than you take in. Increasing your exercise and decreasing your food intake is the safest and most effective way to lose weight. You should aim to lose two pounds a week. Your body can better maintain that amount, and you won't likely gain it back quickly, like may quick weight loss programs.
Eat right and join a community sport that makes you exert yourself like soccer, football, martial arts or boxing.
you can safely lose about 2 lbs a week, by cutting calories, down by like 500, say if u normally consume 2000 in a day, cut it to 1500-do not go below 1200, make sure your eating healthy meals too, such as grilled chicken with veges and salad, just think unprocessed food, and load up on fruits veges, protein and whole grains. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, it helps flush out your body of toxins, and gets rid of bloat. Also its a must to do intense cardio, i.e. 60 minutes a day, and weight training is nescessary to build muscle which increases your metabolism, thus helping you burn fat faster! Seriously- diet and exercise are the only true ways to lose weight, just stick with it!
sew mouth shut and for irritation felt, work it off walking/jogging/running. Before sewing mouth shut, get some good meal replacement shakes from health food store (not Slimfast=mostly sugar, go easy on soy-based unless you want to grow boobs from estrogen-enhancing effects). Lots of water and a good liquid multi...think straws! No more than 40 days and get Drs ok!
What is the best way to loose the most weight in just two weeks, apart from eating nothing at all?
run, and eat low calorie foods. dont starve urself. that may have the opposite effect of slowing your metabolism downso that when you want to eat you'll gain. just eat more meals that are lower in calories and healthier, and in order to speed up your metabolim...RUN! Do exercise, aerobics. Your body will see that it needs to use the energy from food more often and therefore burn it more quickly. Thats the only way i know thats healthy.
eating healthily drinking pletny of water and lots of excersize
lots of cardio exerscise,watch what your eating eat slower only till your full then no more,DON'T skip breakfast this helps kickstart your metabolism,think thin thoughts!!
To be totally honest i believe its cheerios. My gf went on vacation about a week ago and was gone or just 8 days. i ate nothing but a bowl of cheerios for every 3 meals...but only one of them i had milk with ( milk has fat unless you get skim)
and i lost 9 pounds in just that one week. Its probably not the healthiest way or the tastiest..but it worked for me.Good Luck!!
Try the Special K dietU have a bowl of Special K for Breackfast and Lunch and have a proper main meal at night , like not a take away etc You shold only do it for 2 weeks tho!!it tells you all about it on the back of the ceral box !!
Eating nothing at all is not the best way to lose weight, it is the best way to make yourself one of the unhealthiest people in the world...
What you can do to lose weight the healthy way is to check your BMR (Basal metabolic rate, you can find a calculator by googling it.) This will tell you how many calories your body needs in a day to sustain homeostasis (good health). Reduce this number by about 300 calories and eat only that amount. Then, excersise regularly, about an hour each day of cardio or more but don't go crazy. Make sure you remain eating a healthy balance of foods and you should lose weight safely and effectively.
cardio, lots of water, and small meals up to early evening. Eat the biggest meal in the morning.
when i'm dieting i love to buy lots of fruit you can eat alot of it and it has barely any calories in it so you don't feel like your dieting at all i discovered it easier that way cause you lose it really fast since you don't feel like your dieting you don't pay as much attention so it seems to come off so much faster
There is something I have called the soup diet. You make this soup that tastes really good, kind of tastes like pea soup. And day 1 you eat all fruits, the 2nd day all vegetables. And so on, the soup is like your water. You eat all the soup you want all day every day. What I do is blend it and drink it like a shake instead of munching on the vegetables. I like it better this way and you can eat it hot or cold. If you want to know how to do this diet you can e-mail me. It's supposed to make you lose up to 10 pounds the first few days and about 15 by the end of the week.
a balanced diet and exercise. Slightly reducing your calorie intake wont hurt, just don't reduce it too much. Also try Adios tablets. They are not suppressants. They are herbal and speed up your metabolism. I lost a stone in 6 weeks with them.
cut your head off!!!!!
laxatives and duretics or a good dose of food poisoning. There is no HEALTHY way
Have three square meals . Shredded wheat for breakfast, a brown bread sandwich or a small portion of pasta for lunch and then meat and veg (or whatever you'd eat if you're a veggie) for tea. Cut your portion sizes down. Do not starve yourself. You will bloat. Also, in the morning, do some sit ups. I started a few weeks ago and could do 30-40. I did them every day and I can do 100 now and I feel great. I also do some back lifts (lie on my front, preferably on a gym ball and lift my chest up off the floor or off the ball so my body is straight, I do about 20-30 of them). I've been doing some scissor lifts with my legs to tone my thighs as well. I'm not exaggerating, the work out takes about 30 minutes out of my day and I feel fantastic afterwards, I've really toned up in the time I've been doing it, as well as eating better and cutting down portions. Cardio will help, but sometimes it's difficult to want to go for a run when you've been in work 9-5. But it's easy to stay in and do a few sit ups, or a few bicep curls with some tinned foods while you're watching TV. It will make a difference if you do it every day for the next 2 weeks. Take it easy though, don't hurt yourself.
Eating nothing at all quickly switches the body to starvation mode. Here calories are conserved and wight loss is minimised. Protein catabolism also occurs which looses muscle and can damage the heart,Eat wisely and take lots of vigorous exercise.
What is the best way to loose fat and gain muscle for a teenager?
I am 16, a swimmer, 120 pounds, and about 5'8".I have slim body but i never have had abs.
I dont have much fat anywhere in my body except in my lower stomach. i can see the top two abs in my stomach but that is it.
How can i loose my lower abs fat and tone up the rest of my body a bit.I currently stopped swimming and began running/walking about 6 miles a week. More exercise would not be a problem.
Cardio Vascualr Exercise Like Running Walking And Swimming Is Great For Losing Weight And Getting Fitter But If You Want To Tone Up Your Abs, Situps And Stomach Crunches Are Definately The Way To Go (Y)
i would say probably you should do some situps to get a six pac and go to a gym and lift weights or something?!!? thats what I would do
Ooh, that is the toughest area to work on. Here are a few guidelines - other than this it will just take commitment, time, and some patience. Reverse crunch workouts. If you're familiar with the dip station (where you get up on two bars and raise and lower yourself), get in facing outwards and instead of doing dips, rest your forearms on the bars and rest straight up and down. Then raise your knees until they are at least a 90 degree angle. Do a few sets of these until exhaustion. Also using a decline bench and doing reverse crunches (where you would lower yourself down until you are parallel with the ground and then come back up, as opposed to starting on your back) are great. There are more variations, but those two are best. Running is also great. 6 miles a week should do you pretty well - I'd say run about a mile or so every to every other day. And then diet is huge. Cut the carbs. Supplement with protein intake for hunger, but I'd say NO carbs after 5pm, as we all tend to be more idle in the evening and those carbs go straight to fat. I hope this helps. Good luck.
This site has some good exercise tips. There's also a lotta magazines available in any drugstore / bookstore.http://www.musclemag.com/forums/35/...
I dont have much fat anywhere in my body except in my lower stomach. i can see the top two abs in my stomach but that is it.
How can i loose my lower abs fat and tone up the rest of my body a bit.I currently stopped swimming and began running/walking about 6 miles a week. More exercise would not be a problem.
Cardio Vascualr Exercise Like Running Walking And Swimming Is Great For Losing Weight And Getting Fitter But If You Want To Tone Up Your Abs, Situps And Stomach Crunches Are Definately The Way To Go (Y)
i would say probably you should do some situps to get a six pac and go to a gym and lift weights or something?!!? thats what I would do
Ooh, that is the toughest area to work on. Here are a few guidelines - other than this it will just take commitment, time, and some patience. Reverse crunch workouts. If you're familiar with the dip station (where you get up on two bars and raise and lower yourself), get in facing outwards and instead of doing dips, rest your forearms on the bars and rest straight up and down. Then raise your knees until they are at least a 90 degree angle. Do a few sets of these until exhaustion. Also using a decline bench and doing reverse crunches (where you would lower yourself down until you are parallel with the ground and then come back up, as opposed to starting on your back) are great. There are more variations, but those two are best. Running is also great. 6 miles a week should do you pretty well - I'd say run about a mile or so every to every other day. And then diet is huge. Cut the carbs. Supplement with protein intake for hunger, but I'd say NO carbs after 5pm, as we all tend to be more idle in the evening and those carbs go straight to fat. I hope this helps. Good luck.
This site has some good exercise tips. There's also a lotta magazines available in any drugstore / bookstore.http://www.musclemag.com/forums/35/...
What is the best way to loose belly fat?
I am a single working mother. My daughter is just 15 months old so I can not leave her at home when I decide to go for a run or anything. I can not afford to go to a gym, so what can I do. Can someone help me giving me step by step instructions?
The only way to lose fat on your belly is to lose fat all over. Only doing stomach workouts will build muscle, but your hard work won't show if it's covered by a layer of fat. Try buying a cardio workout tape so that you can exercise at home, in front of the TV. Building muscle is important for shaping your waist. Simple exercises such as sit ups, crunches, planks, and push ups all work out your stomach. Start with cardio 30 mins a day 3-5 times a week and strength training your stomach for about 5-10 mins at a time about 3 (wait atleast one day between strength training to let your muscles recover) times a week. You will definitely see results. Good luck.
crunches and running
walk with her in a stroller in the evenings.
SIT-UPS about 50 a day. Check with your doctor first.
Sit ups. I love this ball I got from Walmart. There is booklet in the box that shows you different exercises too.
uummm... buy a weight set, you can get a cheap weight set for about $45-50. And then just work out for three or four days a week for about 30-45 minutes. And do some total body work outs to build more than a single muscle, and this will help you burn more fat, and as long as you eat healthy you'll start losing that belly... doing crunches alone won't help lose the fat, cause crunches don't build any muscle, but you should incorporate them with your work out. And go for walks with your girl in the stroller, it actually helps out alot, and it'll help burn fat off as long as you do it every couple of days or whenever you feel like it, plus your girl will probably really enjoy going outside! (go to www.menshealth.com to get some work out routines if you don't know what to do exactly , they have alot of articles, workouts with pics and explanations on how to do them, its the only website I can think of that actually has good information) Can I have ten points please?
Do lots of sit-ups and crunchies. Also you can try this one... Just lay flat on your back, and lift ur legs a couple inches off the ground. Burn.. Baby burn! Good luck!
you must do cardio, crunches alone will not work
The only way to lose fat on your belly is to lose fat all over. Only doing stomach workouts will build muscle, but your hard work won't show if it's covered by a layer of fat. Try buying a cardio workout tape so that you can exercise at home, in front of the TV. Building muscle is important for shaping your waist. Simple exercises such as sit ups, crunches, planks, and push ups all work out your stomach. Start with cardio 30 mins a day 3-5 times a week and strength training your stomach for about 5-10 mins at a time about 3 (wait atleast one day between strength training to let your muscles recover) times a week. You will definitely see results. Good luck.
crunches and running
walk with her in a stroller in the evenings.
SIT-UPS about 50 a day. Check with your doctor first.
Sit ups. I love this ball I got from Walmart. There is booklet in the box that shows you different exercises too.
uummm... buy a weight set, you can get a cheap weight set for about $45-50. And then just work out for three or four days a week for about 30-45 minutes. And do some total body work outs to build more than a single muscle, and this will help you burn more fat, and as long as you eat healthy you'll start losing that belly... doing crunches alone won't help lose the fat, cause crunches don't build any muscle, but you should incorporate them with your work out. And go for walks with your girl in the stroller, it actually helps out alot, and it'll help burn fat off as long as you do it every couple of days or whenever you feel like it, plus your girl will probably really enjoy going outside! (go to www.menshealth.com to get some work out routines if you don't know what to do exactly , they have alot of articles, workouts with pics and explanations on how to do them, its the only website I can think of that actually has good information) Can I have ten points please?
Do lots of sit-ups and crunchies. Also you can try this one... Just lay flat on your back, and lift ur legs a couple inches off the ground. Burn.. Baby burn! Good luck!
you must do cardio, crunches alone will not work
What is the best way to loose about 15 pounds in 5 weeks. I need to know how long to exercise, what to eat,?
etc. I also need to know if drinking lots of water would be a good or bad thing. I have heard that drinking a lot of water can be a bad thing when trying to loose weiht over a short amount of time.
HITT training is the best for quick fat loss. Along with weight training and a good diet. High Intensity Interval training is great for burning fat and building muscle. Yes! Drink lots of water, watch your carbs and fats. I recommend high fiber, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and high fiber carbs. Such as:
Breakfast- A bowl of high fiber cereal, skim milk (ever try Super Skim? Greatest thing ever) with some fruit (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries etc)
Lunch- Turkey, tuna, or other protein on multi grain bread, with salad (veggies or your choice) with light salad dressing
Dinner- Skinless Chicken, grilled. With brocolli or other veggie, you can add some juice here
Snack- You can have one before lunch and one after dinner, usually works well. This is up to you. Yogurt is great, fruit, trail mix (I eat this is bar form, more convienient) really anything small here
Keep up with the water. I like Propel to be honest. Full of vitamins and minerals. Good flavor too. I suggest taking a multi-vitamin as well. Good luck! You seem to be on your way!
eat fruits...vegetable and do alot of cardio (running, skipping...etc) ...and yes drink alot of water...
15 pounds in 5 weeks is very doable. cardio is king! eat clean...forget about junk food and fast food at least 6 days of the week. and on the one day don't go crazy, but do give in to your desire and taste. Control your portions daily, don't eat to eat, eat to fill and thats it. Water is probably the best thing you can do! Cut out soft drinks or any other drinks with sugar for that matter! Also, by drinking water more, and filling yourself with water, you will notice that you feel less hungry. A lot of times thirst can be mistaken for hunger, and therefore we eat!
Drinking water cleans out your body. When people mean a short amount of time, it's because the first weight you lose is water weight. You can lose four pounds in a day by eating or drinking nothing - but all that you're losing is WATER. H20. Not fat.Why do you want to lose 15 pounds in 5 weeks? What is your motivation? That's 3 pounds a week, which is a little strenous, but you can do it.Keep in mind that your goal should not be to lose weight, but to lose fat. As you exercise, muscles build up and muscles really do weigh more than fat.Start eating fruits and vegetables, and less meat. For proteins, try to stick to fish or nuts (not salted/honey roasted or anything.) Don't buy those "Lean meal" crap dinners. They leave you hungry and you opt for a snack. Instead of eating three meals a day, eat five smaller ones. You've probably heard this before, but eating smaller, more often meals is better for digestion, and thus burning calories. Morning - Apple (or orange or banana. . or so on), a piece of toast or a bowl of cereal* and juice or water.
Snack - A handful of small pretzels.
Lunch - Salad with lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, with low calorie dressing or no dressing at all. Also, a sandwich is fine if it's nice and thick, but not to heavy. Optional, a piece of roasted chicken.
Snack - Piece of fruit/veggie, or a trail mix.
Dinner - Salad with apple sauce or something else on the side, or a piece of chicken and a small potato.Have fun. Mix and match. Swimming *LAPS* is fantastic exercise. It's better than running. If you can get to a community pool or a school pool, swimming 2,000 yards at a moderate and fast pace can do wonders for your body (50 yards in a typical 6 lane pool = one end to other end and then back.)Secondly, hiking/walking on a trail is better than walking on a track. Try to find a trail if you can. Trust me. They're everywhere. This is coming from a girl who took summer school at a school in the downtown. . there was a small hike through the woods.But drink water.
The first week you should start off by eating less than you usually do.
Try having a small healthy breakfast:
orange juice (preferably fresh), cornflakes (fitness) with skimmed milk OR toast (brown bread) with low-fat cheese and a tomato OR an egg without salt or anything.
Eat meat, it's very important, such as chicken or fish. But eat small amounts of it and a bowl of salad. Try not to eat rice, bread or things like that during lunch.
Afternoon (around 4,5):
You can eat a fruit, not any fruit because banana's for example are caloric. Eat a green apple or drink a small glass of skimmed milk or ice-tea.
Evening (try eating earliest 6 - not later than 9):
for dinner you should eat something small, like a salad, there are MANY different types of salads add carrots, celery, broccoli any vegetable that you like. Or if you haven't eaten bread in the morning you could have a sandwich (brown bread) with low-fat cheese. I'm not saying ham or anything like that, so that you wouldn't eat a lot of meat.Anyway, this is how you should eat. Smaller portions and low-fat things, if you're hungry get a fruit or cornflakes. Try to avoid chocolate. But remember chocolate which is 70 or 80% cocoa is very healthy. So everyday if you're craving for chocolate you could eat 2 pieces of it.For exercising, you should exercise 30 to 60minutes a day. If you find it hard or tiring divide your time. Say, spend 15 minutes in the morning jogging. 15 minutes in the afternoon dancing and 20 to 30 minutes in the evening basically exercising. Best way is to listen to music and don't think of it as something you HAVE to do.Also, drinking water is very healthy. You should drink about 3 to 4 glasses of water a day. It's good for your skin and if you've eaten a lot and stuffed yourself it's good for you. So just eat less, but healthier and you'll lose the weight.
HITT training is the best for quick fat loss. Along with weight training and a good diet. High Intensity Interval training is great for burning fat and building muscle. Yes! Drink lots of water, watch your carbs and fats. I recommend high fiber, lean proteins, fruits, veggies, and high fiber carbs. Such as:
Breakfast- A bowl of high fiber cereal, skim milk (ever try Super Skim? Greatest thing ever) with some fruit (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries etc)
Lunch- Turkey, tuna, or other protein on multi grain bread, with salad (veggies or your choice) with light salad dressing
Dinner- Skinless Chicken, grilled. With brocolli or other veggie, you can add some juice here
Snack- You can have one before lunch and one after dinner, usually works well. This is up to you. Yogurt is great, fruit, trail mix (I eat this is bar form, more convienient) really anything small here
Keep up with the water. I like Propel to be honest. Full of vitamins and minerals. Good flavor too. I suggest taking a multi-vitamin as well. Good luck! You seem to be on your way!
eat fruits...vegetable and do alot of cardio (running, skipping...etc) ...and yes drink alot of water...
15 pounds in 5 weeks is very doable. cardio is king! eat clean...forget about junk food and fast food at least 6 days of the week. and on the one day don't go crazy, but do give in to your desire and taste. Control your portions daily, don't eat to eat, eat to fill and thats it. Water is probably the best thing you can do! Cut out soft drinks or any other drinks with sugar for that matter! Also, by drinking water more, and filling yourself with water, you will notice that you feel less hungry. A lot of times thirst can be mistaken for hunger, and therefore we eat!
Drinking water cleans out your body. When people mean a short amount of time, it's because the first weight you lose is water weight. You can lose four pounds in a day by eating or drinking nothing - but all that you're losing is WATER. H20. Not fat.Why do you want to lose 15 pounds in 5 weeks? What is your motivation? That's 3 pounds a week, which is a little strenous, but you can do it.Keep in mind that your goal should not be to lose weight, but to lose fat. As you exercise, muscles build up and muscles really do weigh more than fat.Start eating fruits and vegetables, and less meat. For proteins, try to stick to fish or nuts (not salted/honey roasted or anything.) Don't buy those "Lean meal" crap dinners. They leave you hungry and you opt for a snack. Instead of eating three meals a day, eat five smaller ones. You've probably heard this before, but eating smaller, more often meals is better for digestion, and thus burning calories. Morning - Apple (or orange or banana. . or so on), a piece of toast or a bowl of cereal* and juice or water.
Snack - A handful of small pretzels.
Lunch - Salad with lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, with low calorie dressing or no dressing at all. Also, a sandwich is fine if it's nice and thick, but not to heavy. Optional, a piece of roasted chicken.
Snack - Piece of fruit/veggie, or a trail mix.
Dinner - Salad with apple sauce or something else on the side, or a piece of chicken and a small potato.Have fun. Mix and match. Swimming *LAPS* is fantastic exercise. It's better than running. If you can get to a community pool or a school pool, swimming 2,000 yards at a moderate and fast pace can do wonders for your body (50 yards in a typical 6 lane pool = one end to other end and then back.)Secondly, hiking/walking on a trail is better than walking on a track. Try to find a trail if you can. Trust me. They're everywhere. This is coming from a girl who took summer school at a school in the downtown. . there was a small hike through the woods.But drink water.
The first week you should start off by eating less than you usually do.
Try having a small healthy breakfast:
orange juice (preferably fresh), cornflakes (fitness) with skimmed milk OR toast (brown bread) with low-fat cheese and a tomato OR an egg without salt or anything.
Eat meat, it's very important, such as chicken or fish. But eat small amounts of it and a bowl of salad. Try not to eat rice, bread or things like that during lunch.
Afternoon (around 4,5):
You can eat a fruit, not any fruit because banana's for example are caloric. Eat a green apple or drink a small glass of skimmed milk or ice-tea.
Evening (try eating earliest 6 - not later than 9):
for dinner you should eat something small, like a salad, there are MANY different types of salads add carrots, celery, broccoli any vegetable that you like. Or if you haven't eaten bread in the morning you could have a sandwich (brown bread) with low-fat cheese. I'm not saying ham or anything like that, so that you wouldn't eat a lot of meat.Anyway, this is how you should eat. Smaller portions and low-fat things, if you're hungry get a fruit or cornflakes. Try to avoid chocolate. But remember chocolate which is 70 or 80% cocoa is very healthy. So everyday if you're craving for chocolate you could eat 2 pieces of it.For exercising, you should exercise 30 to 60minutes a day. If you find it hard or tiring divide your time. Say, spend 15 minutes in the morning jogging. 15 minutes in the afternoon dancing and 20 to 30 minutes in the evening basically exercising. Best way is to listen to music and don't think of it as something you HAVE to do.Also, drinking water is very healthy. You should drink about 3 to 4 glasses of water a day. It's good for your skin and if you've eaten a lot and stuffed yourself it's good for you. So just eat less, but healthier and you'll lose the weight.
What is the best way to loose 30 pounds give me like a 1 week schedule?
i would wake up every morning and exercise for 45 minutes to an hour. Make sure you see your physicians before you start any exercise program if you have never exercised before. Then i would eat 5 small meals. for example 1 scramble egg but not fried with 1 slice of wheat toast and a piece of grapefruit juice. for snack, i would have a small orange or any fruits you desire preferrably one high in fiber because fiber keeps you full longer. then i would have a small sandwich for lunch like on a wheat slice bread with no mayo or a teaspoon of mayo. for another snack, you can munch on carrots or buy those nutri grain bars or maybe a yogurt and the snack pack that they have nowadays. for dinner you could have baked chicken, fish with maybe a small baked potato or 3/4 cup brown rice with vegetables. don't deprive yourself you can even have those light ice cream bars that weight watchers and teh other brands make. drink plenty of water that is very important. and remember not to starve yourself because the body will sense deprivation.
1) I Run 22 Miles A Week(Mon-Fri).But 4 Starters I Might Want To Recommend 2 Miles A Day.But I Do 4.42) I Do Crunches %26 Pushups.U Will See An Improvement In Your Arms3) I Drink A Lot More Water.4) Now I Can See My Abs Coming In5) If All That Doesn't Work Get "LL Cool J's Platinum Workout" Book.It's Very Recomendable If U stick To It.It's Sure To Work.It Includes Good Ways On How To Diet,Stay Motivated, %26 Bronze,Silver,Platinum, %26 Diamond Levels To Workouts On(Depending On what Type Of Shape Your In)
But If U Stick To My Plan That's Also Sure To Work6)Also U Shouldn't eat Anything Fried,With Sugar Or Red Meat(Such As Cheeseburgers/Beef Or Steak7)Now If Your Going 2 Do It Stay Motivated.It'll Work So Be Easy.
Isagenix! it's expensive but it works awesome!
Check it out on the web at www.isagenix.com
They have different programs available and for 30 pounds you would probably want to go with the 9 day program.
Nothing that I know of for 30 lbs in a week though.
How's 9 days sound?
If you casn't afford the 100 n somthing dollars then you should do the Atkins or Scarsdale medical diet. You can get info on both on the web. Both are simple and effective but you have to follow it to the t or you will get fatter.
Amputate a leg.
stop overeating and make more love...helps me a lot ;) visibale results on the next day and not as boring as gym or whatever :)
What is the best way to loos weight and keep it, is it a good diet or exercise?
Just eating healthy and excercising!!Count down the calories
Both!A reasonably good diet and a fair amount of exercise together will keep you fit, healthy and lean.I know plenty of fit fat people so exercise on it's own won't do the trick.And a good diet with no exercise will lead to lethargy and apathy - no good for your mental or physical wellbeing. Also would mean eating a lot less food than an active person in order to lose weight and keep it off.Lots of both to lose weight and both in moderation to keep yourself fit, healthy and lean.
Both. You can lose weight doing one or the other, but for the best results, you need both. If you want to keep the weight off, you have to find a plan you can stick to for life. Fitness is not something you acquire and then you can quit, you have to maintain it. So whatever plan you choose, make sure its reasonable and realistic for your lifestyle, and be consistent.
What is the best way to get rid of fat on your stomach?
What is the best way to get rid of fat on your stomach?
You need to exercise more, and possibly change your diet. Use more energy than you eat is the key. So get out there and start walking/running/riding/jogging...
The best way to do that is lessen your carbohydrate intake and do some brisk walking... atleast 30 mins. everyday.. Self-discipline is important.
Do exercises that work your ab muscles. Do crunches, sit ups, and other exercises that will work the side mucsles. Even working on your hips will help your stomache. Remember that when we exercise we don't just work one thing at a time. We work and will lose all over. Going for a run on a regular basis won't just strengthen your legs, it will work your whole body. As long as you get your heart rate up, your body will naturally start to tighten up in areas that are "thicker" than others.
run your *** off! cross country style.
You need to exercise more, and possibly change your diet. Use more energy than you eat is the key. So get out there and start walking/running/riding/jogging...
The best way to do that is lessen your carbohydrate intake and do some brisk walking... atleast 30 mins. everyday.. Self-discipline is important.
Do exercises that work your ab muscles. Do crunches, sit ups, and other exercises that will work the side mucsles. Even working on your hips will help your stomache. Remember that when we exercise we don't just work one thing at a time. We work and will lose all over. Going for a run on a regular basis won't just strengthen your legs, it will work your whole body. As long as you get your heart rate up, your body will naturally start to tighten up in areas that are "thicker" than others.
run your *** off! cross country style.
What is the best way to get rid of belly fat?
I've been goin to the gym for about two months, and i've noticed a big difference in my whole body execpt my tummy. I've been doin 200 sit ups a day, and i can feel my abs geeting stronger but its proven very difficult to loose the thin layer of fat on top of my abs. At the gym I mostly do about an hour of cardio, and an hour of light weight lifting (like 15-20 lbs) Most importantly I eat really "good for you" foods, and always have. So why am I not seeing the results I'm lookin for? Is there some tricks of the trade I'm not aware of?? Please list exercises and meal plans if possible... I thank all of you in advance for your help!
start doing Hip rolls/belly dancing. You can really feel the muscles working and you lose tons of calories plus it's FUN.
When you get the answer let me know. I am wanting to know how to get rid of belly fat too.
This is commonly known as "spot-reduction" and it is not possible. You cannot remove fat from one specific area. The body usually loses fat throughout the body, however most of the time, the stomach is the hardest to lose. Crunches will give you a stronger stomach but it is not going to make you lose fat.I suggest you have a read of the following article. Bodybuilding may put you off as, but the concepts all still apply: Have a nutrition plan, cardio training, and resistance training.
isnt that kind of normal to have that extra fat or skin? i mean im skinny and when i sit down i have some sticking out. so i believe that it is normal to have that no matter how skinny or built u are. ive seen it in other skinny people as well.
You need to eat a low fat, high FIBER diet, and lower your overall body fat %. All the situps in the world won't help until you lower your body fat. Check out sparkpeople.com (tell them isabellaj referred you!). They can provide you with a meal plan (optional) and exercise program for free, along with a tracker so you know how many calories you're eating AND burning.
The abdominal muscles are made up of four different muscle groups, all with their own assignments. Those four groups are the transversus abdominis, the rectus abdominis, the external oblique, and the internal oblique.You have to target all of these muscle groups with specific movements to achive overall success.Try this link to show you a few excersizes.
You just need to give it time. One smart thing you are doing is a mix of cardio and weight training. Most people who want to lose weight just do cardio and don't realize that are burning muscle as well as fat. So three times a week cardio AND light weight work seems about right. If it gets easier, increase the intensity level.A flat stomach is more about losing the body fat, as others have said, more than toning the muscles. It's likely you have great abs muscles and just can't see them under the fat. Keep at it and as your overall body fat levels decrease your stomach will too. And keep eating well. Working out is 10 percent exercise and 90 percent diet. By the way, 200 crunches is INSANE. Anything more than 50 is more or less counter-productive. Try doing different exercises, there are tons for abs, some targeting different areas, lower, upper obliques. But 3 sets of 15 or so is plenty. It's about feeling a burn NOT the numbers.
start doing Hip rolls/belly dancing. You can really feel the muscles working and you lose tons of calories plus it's FUN.
When you get the answer let me know. I am wanting to know how to get rid of belly fat too.
This is commonly known as "spot-reduction" and it is not possible. You cannot remove fat from one specific area. The body usually loses fat throughout the body, however most of the time, the stomach is the hardest to lose. Crunches will give you a stronger stomach but it is not going to make you lose fat.I suggest you have a read of the following article. Bodybuilding may put you off as, but the concepts all still apply: Have a nutrition plan, cardio training, and resistance training.
isnt that kind of normal to have that extra fat or skin? i mean im skinny and when i sit down i have some sticking out. so i believe that it is normal to have that no matter how skinny or built u are. ive seen it in other skinny people as well.
You need to eat a low fat, high FIBER diet, and lower your overall body fat %. All the situps in the world won't help until you lower your body fat. Check out sparkpeople.com (tell them isabellaj referred you!). They can provide you with a meal plan (optional) and exercise program for free, along with a tracker so you know how many calories you're eating AND burning.
The abdominal muscles are made up of four different muscle groups, all with their own assignments. Those four groups are the transversus abdominis, the rectus abdominis, the external oblique, and the internal oblique.You have to target all of these muscle groups with specific movements to achive overall success.Try this link to show you a few excersizes.
You just need to give it time. One smart thing you are doing is a mix of cardio and weight training. Most people who want to lose weight just do cardio and don't realize that are burning muscle as well as fat. So three times a week cardio AND light weight work seems about right. If it gets easier, increase the intensity level.A flat stomach is more about losing the body fat, as others have said, more than toning the muscles. It's likely you have great abs muscles and just can't see them under the fat. Keep at it and as your overall body fat levels decrease your stomach will too. And keep eating well. Working out is 10 percent exercise and 90 percent diet. By the way, 200 crunches is INSANE. Anything more than 50 is more or less counter-productive. Try doing different exercises, there are tons for abs, some targeting different areas, lower, upper obliques. But 3 sets of 15 or so is plenty. It's about feeling a burn NOT the numbers.
What is the best way to get rid of a bloating stomach, i've cut out the obvious foods?
Double check the foods that make u bloated. Cut down some more...
Cut down on the salt.
What is the best way to get flawlessly fit at home?
I'm female, 22 years old, and live 1/2 an hour away from the nearest gym (just as well I can't afford it). I never have the time (or energy) to exercise for more than an hour. So I need a workout that will burn lots of calories, tone every inch of me, and can be done at home.
i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.it will really help you to get flawless fit at home
take up jogging, you can do this anywhere near your house provided you have roads. you can also check for swimming pools nearby if you havn already.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurities come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do! http://diet4cleansing.com
Check out Cathe Friedrich.
Her videos are great. But she makes videos for the advanced fitness exerciser. But she knows how to get results fast.
You can also check out Collage Videos.
Karen Voight has a good web site with tips.
Think in terms of steps per day. A good rule of thumb is 10,000 steps. Sounds like a lot? It isn't. Buy a pedometer and do ZERO exercise just measure your normal day in terms of steps. Then add two periods (morning and evening) where you do an aerobic walk (fast) or jog (slow). This should be for 45 mins (walk) or 30 mins on the jog. What you will see (normally) is a 10,000 step day. Then try to increase it! Watch your glucose levels and consult your doctor if you are diabetic as there are special considerations with sugar levels needed for review.
rope skipping - the best cardio work %26 not expensive. skip at least 30mins.
you can work out all day long..if you have a desk job.. just raising your feet off the floor will help your quads and your abs..simple things like holding your arm up will help...try it, you will be amazed at how after a few minutes you will start to feel a burn.use your imagination when you are in situations where your legs/arms are free...you will be surprised at what little effort you need to use to get results, of course this will be slow results but you will get them..there are several exercise shows on tv that are 30 minute routines, record one and then you can do it whenever you have time.
i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.it will really help you to get flawless fit at home
take up jogging, you can do this anywhere near your house provided you have roads. you can also check for swimming pools nearby if you havn already.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurities come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do! http://diet4cleansing.com
Check out Cathe Friedrich.
Her videos are great. But she makes videos for the advanced fitness exerciser. But she knows how to get results fast.
You can also check out Collage Videos.
Karen Voight has a good web site with tips.
Think in terms of steps per day. A good rule of thumb is 10,000 steps. Sounds like a lot? It isn't. Buy a pedometer and do ZERO exercise just measure your normal day in terms of steps. Then add two periods (morning and evening) where you do an aerobic walk (fast) or jog (slow). This should be for 45 mins (walk) or 30 mins on the jog. What you will see (normally) is a 10,000 step day. Then try to increase it! Watch your glucose levels and consult your doctor if you are diabetic as there are special considerations with sugar levels needed for review.
rope skipping - the best cardio work %26 not expensive. skip at least 30mins.
you can work out all day long..if you have a desk job.. just raising your feet off the floor will help your quads and your abs..simple things like holding your arm up will help...try it, you will be amazed at how after a few minutes you will start to feel a burn.use your imagination when you are in situations where your legs/arms are free...you will be surprised at what little effort you need to use to get results, of course this will be slow results but you will get them..there are several exercise shows on tv that are 30 minute routines, record one and then you can do it whenever you have time.
What is the best way to get a ripped chest and arms in three months?
I have until Oct. 6 to get pumped up as much as I can for a film role. I have to have a big chest and big arms. They are not requiring me to have a six pack, just a flat stomach.
I am currently 5'9", I have a small pot belly and my shoulders are already broad. I run three miles a day, but would like to know what kind of eating routine and lifting routine will get me to my goal by October.
I'm looking for info on what to eat (i.e. protein shakes, food, etc.) and how much to lift and how often. I currently weigh 160 pounds and can bench 150.
first, work on motivation, when you feel at the end of the day your tired, well do more. Second, technique will give you better work out and less reps, simply cause the right technique will deliver better results. I don't support drugs but three months is tight, you feel me?
try a bowflex. it worked for me in two months.some of the exersizes you can do are bench press, buterfly, crunch, curl and almost anything you can think of
Whatever you do stay away from steroids because thy will end up messing up your life as will as your new found career in acting, Thy also mess up your reproductive organs
Buy "Scrawny to Brawny." It lays out mealplans and specific workouts. If you kind of already know what you are doing, probably skip the first phase or two. Eat big, lift big. $20 on Amazon and you'll learn exactly what you are asking about.Me, 5'7", 165 lbs, last time I checked my max bench was 225 a couple months back.
Cut back on carbs, lots of lean protein, 5-6 small meals throughout the day, drink water and tea, no juices, pop or coffee, weights one day, cardio the next, Sunday rest
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
try this http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/topicoft... i am using the program in it and I'm seeing awesome results
I am currently 5'9", I have a small pot belly and my shoulders are already broad. I run three miles a day, but would like to know what kind of eating routine and lifting routine will get me to my goal by October.
I'm looking for info on what to eat (i.e. protein shakes, food, etc.) and how much to lift and how often. I currently weigh 160 pounds and can bench 150.
first, work on motivation, when you feel at the end of the day your tired, well do more. Second, technique will give you better work out and less reps, simply cause the right technique will deliver better results. I don't support drugs but three months is tight, you feel me?
try a bowflex. it worked for me in two months.some of the exersizes you can do are bench press, buterfly, crunch, curl and almost anything you can think of
Whatever you do stay away from steroids because thy will end up messing up your life as will as your new found career in acting, Thy also mess up your reproductive organs
Buy "Scrawny to Brawny." It lays out mealplans and specific workouts. If you kind of already know what you are doing, probably skip the first phase or two. Eat big, lift big. $20 on Amazon and you'll learn exactly what you are asking about.Me, 5'7", 165 lbs, last time I checked my max bench was 225 a couple months back.
Cut back on carbs, lots of lean protein, 5-6 small meals throughout the day, drink water and tea, no juices, pop or coffee, weights one day, cardio the next, Sunday rest
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
try this http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/topicoft... i am using the program in it and I'm seeing awesome results
What is the best way to get a large amount of rest in little time?
I am a fulltime student, around the clock athlete and work part time. I need some tips on how to get more rest every day so I don鈥檛 fall behind in my activities.
never underestimate naps. they are the best.
my dr. told me a 20 Minuit nap is equal to a 2 - 3 hour catch up in normal sleep time.
go for it.. does really help.
20 min. power naps do wonders! good luck!!
Can you sleep- standing up? ...-I didn't think so... LOOK, sleep is as important as ANY one of those activities you're doing- because getting ENOUGH makes it possible for you to do all the rest! You NEED to assign a specific period of time EVERY DAY- to get enough sleep. If you're not getting enough, -then everything ELSE is going to start suffering- too. So make it a PRIORTY, and MAKE the "time". -Your Future is depending on it...
never underestimate naps. they are the best.
my dr. told me a 20 Minuit nap is equal to a 2 - 3 hour catch up in normal sleep time.
go for it.. does really help.
20 min. power naps do wonders! good luck!!
Can you sleep- standing up? ...-I didn't think so... LOOK, sleep is as important as ANY one of those activities you're doing- because getting ENOUGH makes it possible for you to do all the rest! You NEED to assign a specific period of time EVERY DAY- to get enough sleep. If you're not getting enough, -then everything ELSE is going to start suffering- too. So make it a PRIORTY, and MAKE the "time". -Your Future is depending on it...
What is the best way to gain muscle on your body?
Weight training definitely. Do 3 sets for each muscle group.Lift every other day, like Mon. Wed. Fri.
Light, heavier, heaviest, and increase the weight each time. This gives them a nice shape too.
swimming or weight machines
you dont really gain muscle you increase its size if you take in more protein and of course lift weights also it helps if you reduce fat content in your body to make that simple make adipose cells(fat cells) smaller and increase your muscle size
What is the best way to gain mass??
I want to gain more mass not fat. I'm almost 14 and I just weigh 90 something, so I am almost underweight. Don't tell me to excercise and gain muscle, becuase I already have great muscles (abs biceps everything) or don't tell me to eat healthy because I never eat any fastfood or any junkfood. So yeah give me some advice.
to gain mass without without fat is not going to happen. you can however minimize the gain in fat by monitoring your portions and your body fat %.you should be getting 1g of protein to 1lb of body weight.you should find out your daily calorie requirement and add 500 to it, while keeping your portions in the ratio of 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fats.
Try reading "Super Squats" by Randall J Strossen. I don't really like GNC,, Target and Walmart both sell a good whey protein, "Body Fortress" for MUCH cheaper than anything else at GNC.Anything besides that, dpsnutrition.net is almost always cheaper, even after the "super tuesday" discount and what you have to pay in shipping.
GNC has plenty of products you can use. They have something I was looking at, thinking about trying called Mass XXX. Kind of expensive though. They got different flavors. Or you can try some kind of whey protein as well.
Try eating Low Gylcemic index food.
What is the Glycemic Index?
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss.
Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals.
o Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
o Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
o Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
o Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
o Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels
o Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS
o Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer
o Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance
o High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise Check out the following website:
and look for: Transitions Life Style System
check out the eTools on the site, it has Meal Planner, Exercise Planner, Personal Progress Tracker ...
to gain mass without without fat is not going to happen. you can however minimize the gain in fat by monitoring your portions and your body fat %.you should be getting 1g of protein to 1lb of body weight.you should find out your daily calorie requirement and add 500 to it, while keeping your portions in the ratio of 50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fats.
Try reading "Super Squats" by Randall J Strossen. I don't really like GNC,, Target and Walmart both sell a good whey protein, "Body Fortress" for MUCH cheaper than anything else at GNC.Anything besides that, dpsnutrition.net is almost always cheaper, even after the "super tuesday" discount and what you have to pay in shipping.
GNC has plenty of products you can use. They have something I was looking at, thinking about trying called Mass XXX. Kind of expensive though. They got different flavors. Or you can try some kind of whey protein as well.
Try eating Low Gylcemic index food.
What is the Glycemic Index?
Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss.
Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals.
o Low GI diets help people lose and control weight
o Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin
o Low GI carbs improve diabetes control
o Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease
o Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels
o Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS
o Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer
o Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance
o High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise Check out the following website:
and look for: Transitions Life Style System
check out the eTools on the site, it has Meal Planner, Exercise Planner, Personal Progress Tracker ...
What is the best way to firm up your breast?
i lost weight and want to have firm boobs again...any tips would help
Sucks I know but it depends on how much sagging you're talking about and how firm you want them.The French women always run cold water over theirs when they shower. They say that if you do this every time that it contributes to keeping the skin firmer. Oui.Good Luck and remember... he should love you for you not your 'assets'!
Well sorry to burst your bubble but breast are fat tissue's the only way i can see you having firm breast... Would be to do pushups and other chest muscle exercises.
Sucks I know but it depends on how much sagging you're talking about and how firm you want them.The French women always run cold water over theirs when they shower. They say that if you do this every time that it contributes to keeping the skin firmer. Oui.Good Luck and remember... he should love you for you not your 'assets'!
Well sorry to burst your bubble but breast are fat tissue's the only way i can see you having firm breast... Would be to do pushups and other chest muscle exercises.
What is the best way to diet?
ive tried really hard to diet the safe way, eat propotioned meals and all that $hit, and im really good at it but i never seem to lose any wieght. im not overwieght but im not totally skinny and i seem to gain about 15 pounds a year, My skinny as$ sister fits into my jeans from the beggining of this year and they are now about three sizes too small. HELP
http://www.mypyramid.gov/index.html...This website is awesome. Dieting alone doesn't help, don't starve yourself or skip meals EVER, because that slows down your metabolism and increases your appetite, actually making you gain weight anyways. This website is a great way for you to monitor your food intake and physical activity. You can even find out how much you need to do to gain, lose, or maintain weight, and the food intake part monitors everything from sodium to saturated fats and is very thorough and detailed. You have to create your own account, but it's totally worth it. If you have any questions how to run this account, just ask me, because I use it to monitor myself.
If you are already eating healthy, proportioned meals, (and I am assuming you are smart enough to exercise) try limiting stressful situations - stress causes us to release a hormone (cortisol) that slows down our metabolism and causes us to place fat around the abdomen...Also, try not to eat after 6pmHope this helps some.
http://www.mypyramid.gov/index.html...This website is awesome. Dieting alone doesn't help, don't starve yourself or skip meals EVER, because that slows down your metabolism and increases your appetite, actually making you gain weight anyways. This website is a great way for you to monitor your food intake and physical activity. You can even find out how much you need to do to gain, lose, or maintain weight, and the food intake part monitors everything from sodium to saturated fats and is very thorough and detailed. You have to create your own account, but it's totally worth it. If you have any questions how to run this account, just ask me, because I use it to monitor myself.
If you are already eating healthy, proportioned meals, (and I am assuming you are smart enough to exercise) try limiting stressful situations - stress causes us to release a hormone (cortisol) that slows down our metabolism and causes us to place fat around the abdomen...Also, try not to eat after 6pmHope this helps some.
What is the best way to develop a lean stomach (not bulgy muscles)?
You need to start doing cardio to burn off the fat that's on top of your abs, I'd do some sit-ups and reverse crunches to get a solid definition, but it's not necessary... You just need to get rid of the fat that's covering your abdominal muscles.
my fave way..i know a band geek answer but...marching band. you gain so much muscle
that depends if ur a guy or a girl...for girls i just do about 20 crunches a day (actully some days i skip) and i have that nice little circle thing and maybe if u look real close a four pack.it doesnt look like i hav a lot of muscle, but my abs are rock solid. if ur a guy im not sure what you would do considering ive nvr been one...
Find a gym where they have a machine called a rotary torso. This works the oblique abdominals on the side of the abs and flattens the stomach. By far the most effective ab exercise I have experienced but not so easy to find. You sit with your legs braced facing either side and twist to the front with weight resistance.
What is the best way to burn inner thigh fat?
I heard about squats and lounges..but do they really work?? How soon can I see results?
A bike..and running! thats what ive been doing...and at first when i was running...my calves were burning like fire! WOOH!!! haha im crazy..lol but after a while..when i didnt stop running, my calves werent burning anymore it was my thighs..and i would rather have my thighs burn than my calves. it felt alot better. lol well it was still pain but not so hurtful. lol and i feel good about my thighs...well i still have alot of fat to burn off of them, but i know that the bike and runnin helped.
Lots of hardcore cardio. Lots of pain. Lots of sweat.
riding a bike or an exercise bikereally worked for me when nothing else did
ride a bike step exercise and lunges,result ..pain first then after 1 week friends see a diff not you you will never see the difference until it is drastic. first you have toenvision your thigh the way you'd like them to be.
start of with good ol cardio which helps by can burn a lot of calories and can raise you metabolic rate..then follow up with squats lunges and plies to help tone the inner thighs..oh dont forget to drink 2 liters of water and to eat right...try cut down on your fat intake...goodluck
You can't burn fat in targeted areas by exercise. You can tone the area and strengthen the muscle locally, but burinng fat in your body is more of an all-over deal than a localized one. You need a combination of exercise and diet. If there are areas that you want to concentrate on toning, then work those areas. However, you won't "burn" fat from those areas necessarily.
A bike..and running! thats what ive been doing...and at first when i was running...my calves were burning like fire! WOOH!!! haha im crazy..lol but after a while..when i didnt stop running, my calves werent burning anymore it was my thighs..and i would rather have my thighs burn than my calves. it felt alot better. lol well it was still pain but not so hurtful. lol and i feel good about my thighs...well i still have alot of fat to burn off of them, but i know that the bike and runnin helped.
Lots of hardcore cardio. Lots of pain. Lots of sweat.
riding a bike or an exercise bikereally worked for me when nothing else did
ride a bike step exercise and lunges,result ..pain first then after 1 week friends see a diff not you you will never see the difference until it is drastic. first you have toenvision your thigh the way you'd like them to be.
start of with good ol cardio which helps by can burn a lot of calories and can raise you metabolic rate..then follow up with squats lunges and plies to help tone the inner thighs..oh dont forget to drink 2 liters of water and to eat right...try cut down on your fat intake...goodluck
You can't burn fat in targeted areas by exercise. You can tone the area and strengthen the muscle locally, but burinng fat in your body is more of an all-over deal than a localized one. You need a combination of exercise and diet. If there are areas that you want to concentrate on toning, then work those areas. However, you won't "burn" fat from those areas necessarily.
What is the best way to build pecs with 2 seperate 15 pound weights..?
And if you say do butterflys, tell me what that means...lol
lol. well to be honest sooner rather than later you're going to need to get heavier weights. your body will get used to lifting those and doing more reps won't build up your chest.for exercises you've got:incline dumbbell press
incline dumbbell flys
dumbbell bench press
decline dumbbell bench pressthings like that. to find out what the exercises are just do a search. and make sure to use correct form
those arent very bog weights and depending on how muscular you already are they might be able to do anything for you
Have them surgically implanted. :-) One in each side.
Do bench press and butterflys (raise the weight to your side and push up to where at the top the weights meet.)
lol. well to be honest sooner rather than later you're going to need to get heavier weights. your body will get used to lifting those and doing more reps won't build up your chest.for exercises you've got:incline dumbbell press
incline dumbbell flys
dumbbell bench press
decline dumbbell bench pressthings like that. to find out what the exercises are just do a search. and make sure to use correct form
those arent very bog weights and depending on how muscular you already are they might be able to do anything for you
Have them surgically implanted. :-) One in each side.
Do bench press and butterflys (raise the weight to your side and push up to where at the top the weights meet.)
What is the best way the lose weight with out taking pills or crash dieting?
Eating less and better, thats all it takes. I had lap band surgery, the only reason I have lost 80LBS is because I eat anywere from 800-1200 calories a day and I eat better. I don't drink anything with sugar it, anything fried, no fast food, no bread, pasta. You should be consuming over 1200 calories a day.
Diet and exercise.
Work more on eating healthy foods with good nutrition. Have a small breakfast in the morning with protien in it (eggs, cheese, etc.) that will help you stay full longer. Think smaller portions of the foods you are eating. Try not to lose more than 2-3lbs/ week. If you lose weight too fast your body thinks it's being starved- and then it tries to pack on more fat when it is given the opportunity to. Excersize in a healthy way- I know we're all busy so try to get your cardio up for short intervals. Maybe a 15 minute jog, or just taking the stairs at work. Hope that helps.
What is the best way of burning fat?
Aerobic exercise. Exercise 30 minutes 5 times a week and you will see great results. Also, limit your intake of unnecessary calories.Aerobic exercise is classified as any exercise that raises your heartbeat, such as walking, running, swimming etc.
Probably not the answer you want to hear but exercise and eating healthy, small proportions. Lots of water!
i think the best way of burning fats is to drink a herbal tea its effective and good for your health=)
I heard sweating it out works wonders.
Best way to burn fat is to raise your metabolism. Easiest ways to do that re:1) Do cardio exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
2) Eat little and often - try not to go more than 3 hours without something to eat
3) Eat more protein - chicken, eggs, fish etc - the body needs more energy to break down protein so it raises the metabolism to do that.
4) drink green tea - natural way to increase metabolism
5) Weight train - at least 3 times a week - this will help to increase your muscle mass in the body which will help to raise your metabolsim.
6) keep active - you should aim to get at least 30 mins exercise per day, every day.
7) Do cardio exercises at a high intensity to burn fat. i.e. a fast run for 20 mins will burn more calories and more fat than a long slow run for 45 minutes!These are just a few tips - really simple things you can do every day- Good luck!
if you really want to burn your fat don't worry.exercise daily with some hard workouts,drink fresh jucies.if you want more details visit the below website.
What is the best way from containing yourself from eating?
how do you contain yourself from eating?? I always feel like I'm hungry!!
chew gum -- sugarless and the reduced calorie kind.you can always munch on HEALTHY snacks.. like raisin, nuts, fruits, yogurt and stuff like that. it should set you off for a whileand drink water and seltzer bc they have no calories and you can even buy the flavored kind
My trick is just to eat 3 solid meals a day. That way, I'm never hungry between meals and don't snack.
Learn which foods contain "empty Calories" -- these are the foods most likely to make you feel hungry all the time, AND are the most likely to put on excess weight..Like oatmeal? Cook it with some Carob chips and a little honey or maple syrup -- make it nice and thick and yummm!! It may keep you going for a long while without cravings.Eggs are great-- make a nice omelet with tomatoes and zucchini-- you get 3 food groups and it takes a long time to digest so you will continue to feel full.Right food choices = a better feeling of satiation (less hunger) AND will nourish your body without putting on extra weight.
hmm try eating 3 big meals a day and if u want somethinmg 2 eat later eat fruits and vegis
I'm always hungry too. my trick is to eat small snacks and meals every two hours. so i get up at 5 - eat oatmeal at 6, get to work and eat cottage cheese and fruit at 9 or so with tea, then around 1030 i have a south beach diet breakfast bar and then a decent lunch around 1230 - salad, lean cuisine, and then i have a snack at 3 or so (fruit, nuts) and then by dinner its very light b/c i've been eating all day. you will feel full if you do this but you aren't eating that much either.
chew gum -- sugarless and the reduced calorie kind.you can always munch on HEALTHY snacks.. like raisin, nuts, fruits, yogurt and stuff like that. it should set you off for a whileand drink water and seltzer bc they have no calories and you can even buy the flavored kind
My trick is just to eat 3 solid meals a day. That way, I'm never hungry between meals and don't snack.
Learn which foods contain "empty Calories" -- these are the foods most likely to make you feel hungry all the time, AND are the most likely to put on excess weight..Like oatmeal? Cook it with some Carob chips and a little honey or maple syrup -- make it nice and thick and yummm!! It may keep you going for a long while without cravings.Eggs are great-- make a nice omelet with tomatoes and zucchini-- you get 3 food groups and it takes a long time to digest so you will continue to feel full.Right food choices = a better feeling of satiation (less hunger) AND will nourish your body without putting on extra weight.
hmm try eating 3 big meals a day and if u want somethinmg 2 eat later eat fruits and vegis
I'm always hungry too. my trick is to eat small snacks and meals every two hours. so i get up at 5 - eat oatmeal at 6, get to work and eat cottage cheese and fruit at 9 or so with tea, then around 1030 i have a south beach diet breakfast bar and then a decent lunch around 1230 - salad, lean cuisine, and then i have a snack at 3 or so (fruit, nuts) and then by dinner its very light b/c i've been eating all day. you will feel full if you do this but you aren't eating that much either.
What is the best way for me to get a six pack?
I weigh 160 im 5'11''; i walk every day for 30 min. i do 300 situps and 100 pushups every day, and i only eat meats, vegetables, and nuts...i just started eating like this for two days so far, is this enough or is there something else i can do
one word: planks
planks are the simplest and easiest way to work your whole abs and arms. They are awesome. also you can try using a BOSU ball and doing curnches while balensing on that. It is the most intese abs excersize i have done. but planks are really good. Basically you get in a push up positio and then rest your elbos on the ground keeping your body flat and tight like a plank. Hold that for one minute. there are even variations of planks.
They work the best and they are totally free because they involve not equipment. I do recomend doing them on a yoga mat for comfort.
mhm! sure ready to go!! (=
yes! hahah.h
CRUNChES.you will see the results soooooo soon, trust me.instead of sit ups %26 pushups, do crunches, but you have to do them the right way.if you`re not feeling pain by the time you do 30, you`re not doing `em right.
Well this is a VERY GOOD way to get a six pack. My brother is trying to but he does this thing where he has 1 min. to do as much as push-ups. He does this early in the morning because morning is the best. Then he has 1 min. to do as many sit-ups as he can. This is also taken in the morning. Just be patient, you will find results VERY soon. Keep doing this everyday in the morning AND evening. Also keep in mind to not eat junk food because the junk food will cover and not show your six pack abs. Junk food make layers of fat. I hope this helps :)
Go to 7-11 and pick up a six pack! LOL
Sorry sit-ups and what I did was get a round stick about one foot long and put a wieght on a sting on it in the middle and twist it up slow and down slow while doing sit-ups.
people who focus on one muscle group don't see results usually. you need a solid full body routine.
one word: planks
planks are the simplest and easiest way to work your whole abs and arms. They are awesome. also you can try using a BOSU ball and doing curnches while balensing on that. It is the most intese abs excersize i have done. but planks are really good. Basically you get in a push up positio and then rest your elbos on the ground keeping your body flat and tight like a plank. Hold that for one minute. there are even variations of planks.
They work the best and they are totally free because they involve not equipment. I do recomend doing them on a yoga mat for comfort.
mhm! sure ready to go!! (=
yes! hahah.h
CRUNChES.you will see the results soooooo soon, trust me.instead of sit ups %26 pushups, do crunches, but you have to do them the right way.if you`re not feeling pain by the time you do 30, you`re not doing `em right.
Well this is a VERY GOOD way to get a six pack. My brother is trying to but he does this thing where he has 1 min. to do as much as push-ups. He does this early in the morning because morning is the best. Then he has 1 min. to do as many sit-ups as he can. This is also taken in the morning. Just be patient, you will find results VERY soon. Keep doing this everyday in the morning AND evening. Also keep in mind to not eat junk food because the junk food will cover and not show your six pack abs. Junk food make layers of fat. I hope this helps :)
Go to 7-11 and pick up a six pack! LOL
Sorry sit-ups and what I did was get a round stick about one foot long and put a wieght on a sting on it in the middle and twist it up slow and down slow while doing sit-ups.
people who focus on one muscle group don't see results usually. you need a solid full body routine.
What is the best water to drink?
anything that is pure H2O.
Smartwater.it tastes good and is electrolite enhanced.
Best tasting? Or best for you? All water is good for you, so if you like the taste--just good ol' tap water is fine if you are a healthy adult. If you are looking for something better tasting, then any of the bottled waters will be mostly the same. That "spring water" is probably right out of a distiller or reverse osmosis system. Its all in the packaging and marketing as far people preferring one over the other.
its all the same, so drink beer
"smart water" because it isnt water from the lake like how we normally drink, it is from a waterfall. spring water is like for swimming and stuff. waterfalls are pure water.look for a vitamine store, they could sell it.
I like Fiji.
What is the best waght loss pill?
did you mean "weight"???go on a diet and do some exercise
I lost over 150 pounds on this pill called Fastin it really works
good question id like to 2
The one that called get off your butt and excersise.
I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurities come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do! http://diet4cleansing.com
This one http://www.proactol-lose-weight.blogspot...
What is the best vitamins to be able to gain weight??thanks?
Centrum is a GREAT multivitamin to give you everything you need to live a healthy life. Contrary to what "ynot_chas" says, Go and ask your doctor what multi-Vitamin he or she recommend, im certain they will say Centrum.Good Luck.
O please tell me so that i know i must NOT take them!!good luck
dont take vitamins to gain weight...just look our for saturated fat...i must warn you though, it will increase you cholesterol
vitamins have nothing to do with weight gain upping your intake of calories does.. You can try some drinks like ensure drink it with meals for added calories or drink slim fast with meals. Trouble gaining weight I should be so lucky lol
PS Centrum isnt worth a damn if you are going to take a good multi Vitamin go to someplace like gnc and get real vitamins. you wont find good vitamins in a grocery store
VITAMINS doesn t giveu weight ,its wrong idea
go into your closest sport/bodybuilders shop and buy a tub of bulking powder, it usually consists of whey protine powder and carbs. have that as directed and its a sure fire way to gain weight.
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website
http://www.hawkeyep.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
Vitamins will not help you gain or lose weight - they provide nutritional suppliment - but not caloric intake. (At lest not a significant amount.) Talk with your doctor to find one that suits your needs. I know places like the Vitamin Shoppe and GNC have some WONDERFUL special formulas; but if you can't afford those Centrum will give you a balanced suppliment of what you need!Good luck to you!
i think that the below website will help you to find the right solution.
What is the best type of green tea out there that has no sugar or aspartame in in it?
just buy the tea bags and brew them in hot water, and use splenda
Jasmine tea Yummmmm!
try the new vitamin water green tea flavor. its the water with the commercials with that rapper and the symphony. they are very good for you, not just their green tea flavor.
All the same.Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
boil water
pour over green tea bag
dont add sugar or aspertame
drinkit's not rocket science.
What is the best time of the day to drink vitamins?
Ugh, I hate the taste of liquid vitamins. But there is no best time of day. The only thing I would make sure of is to do it with a full meal, because sometimes multivitamins can upset an empty stomach. If you happen to be taking one that has ginseng or a lot of B-12 in it, you might want to take it with breakfast so you will be energized for the day, and not staying awake when you need to sleep.
It doesn't matter when you take them.
Well you cant really drink vitamins but you can take vitamins.Anyways the morning before the day is the best time.
dont eat unnecessarily with prescription. these vit may harm if u take overdose. eat rather few fruits
in the morning
What is the best thing to use when building muscles (Vitamins & Supplements?
protein. eat enough for your body weight
protein shakes try going to smoothie king for one
PEANUT BUTTER put peanut butter on your head and green beans in your nostrils. best work out ever!!! yeuuuhhhhhhh
What is the best thing to do to lose weight FAST!?
I eat a lot of sweets and sometimes when im bored i eat ,,,,HELP!
My friend I have wondered that many times myself ! I keep praying that they will invent a pill that you take when you go to bed and all your excess weight will fall off and you can throw it out the window the next morning !!!! Seriously though, I have found when I get bored to keep myself from eating I try to get involved in a household chore that makes it difficult to eat, example; gardening,washing dishes, dusting etc.I know its not glamorous, but it keeps me from putting things in my mouth. I have also gone for a long walk.Drinking alot of water helps fill you up and flushes the excess from your body.Unfortunately the only way to truly lose it fast is to have surgery.Any other way is dangerous to your health.Keep the faith my friend.You can always post answer's to keep your hands busy.Have a great day!!!!
eat healthy food, exercise, fill up your schedual with stuff to do, hang out with friends and go to healthy food place if you just have to eat outside
stop eating fatty foods, exercise, eat vegetables.limit the number of calories you eat per day.
I'm telling you...NO, I'm promising you that the kimkins diet works! I lost 13.5 lbs in one week and still going! I know if someone would have told me that I wouldn't believe it, but it
is true. The plan really works.If you want to check it out for yourself, follow this link: http://www.kimkins.com/467.html...They don't require you to buy ANYTHING except the lifetime membership and the plan is easy to follow--no crazy food or difficult recipes.Feel free to ask me any further Q's!
My friend I have wondered that many times myself ! I keep praying that they will invent a pill that you take when you go to bed and all your excess weight will fall off and you can throw it out the window the next morning !!!! Seriously though, I have found when I get bored to keep myself from eating I try to get involved in a household chore that makes it difficult to eat, example; gardening,washing dishes, dusting etc.I know its not glamorous, but it keeps me from putting things in my mouth. I have also gone for a long walk.Drinking alot of water helps fill you up and flushes the excess from your body.Unfortunately the only way to truly lose it fast is to have surgery.Any other way is dangerous to your health.Keep the faith my friend.You can always post answer's to keep your hands busy.Have a great day!!!!
eat healthy food, exercise, fill up your schedual with stuff to do, hang out with friends and go to healthy food place if you just have to eat outside
stop eating fatty foods, exercise, eat vegetables.limit the number of calories you eat per day.
I'm telling you...NO, I'm promising you that the kimkins diet works! I lost 13.5 lbs in one week and still going! I know if someone would have told me that I wouldn't believe it, but it
is true. The plan really works.If you want to check it out for yourself, follow this link: http://www.kimkins.com/467.html...They don't require you to buy ANYTHING except the lifetime membership and the plan is easy to follow--no crazy food or difficult recipes.Feel free to ask me any further Q's!
What is the best soda from all sodas like pepsi 7up mountain dew sprite sunkist that does not hert your stomac
which is not going to hert your stomach pick one of the one i chose
7 up with milk provide cold to ur stomac.
Carbonated beverages aren't great for your stomach.
If you have stomach problems, you should avoid them all.
They all do, only some of them seem to ease your stomach more than others..That is why the doctor says, "drink only . for a while", but with carbonation, they all hurt your stomach in the long run. I suggest a non sugar soft drink, either diet or otherwise...
gatorade, 7 up, sprite, any non-cola beverage
nothing with any acidic citrus like orange juice
7up is usually recommended for an upset stomach.
well theres cream soda and ibc colas that are good
Carbonation is not good for anyone and causes all sorts of problems. I was totally addicted to Pepsi but had gastric bypss surgery in 2002 and havent had carbonation since. If you must have it, you can open it and let it go flat a bit or drink the Icee and Slurpee types of soft drinks. I drink a ton of water and sometimes add the little individual packets of peach tea by Crystal Lite. Good Luck!
7 up with milk provide cold to ur stomac.
Carbonated beverages aren't great for your stomach.
If you have stomach problems, you should avoid them all.
They all do, only some of them seem to ease your stomach more than others..That is why the doctor says, "drink only . for a while", but with carbonation, they all hurt your stomach in the long run. I suggest a non sugar soft drink, either diet or otherwise...
gatorade, 7 up, sprite, any non-cola beverage
nothing with any acidic citrus like orange juice
7up is usually recommended for an upset stomach.
well theres cream soda and ibc colas that are good
Carbonation is not good for anyone and causes all sorts of problems. I was totally addicted to Pepsi but had gastric bypss surgery in 2002 and havent had carbonation since. If you must have it, you can open it and let it go flat a bit or drink the Icee and Slurpee types of soft drinks. I drink a ton of water and sometimes add the little individual packets of peach tea by Crystal Lite. Good Luck!
What is the best slimming pill we can buy in philippines?
Why pay? walk and eat healthy - free and effective :-)
try phentermine. they sell it every where online.., if you only need to lose less than 40 pouds you might want to try 15mg but if need to lose more than that you can take the 30mg. trust me that stuff works!
Fish or rice!
What is the best realistic way to lose unwanted weight?
Any eating habits, meal plans would all be really helful..
Same as the category...good diet %26 Fitness!BR
I've lost alot of weight,by drinking only water,and eatting small meals,like baked or boiled chicken.Stay away from white foods,like taters,butter beans,ect.baked or grilled pork,tuna.Exercise as much as you can!
don't look for any diets or quick fixes. the best way is to change your lifestyle. drink as much water as your body needs. eat organic as much as possible(as non organic contains toxic pesticides and chemical which are responsible for weight gain, fatigue etc..) stay away from sugar. exercise daily (don't think of it as a chore..you have to enjoy it otherwise you're not going to achieve your goal) and do strength/weight exercises every other day. you just have to bwcome in tune with your body and it will know what to do.
Exercise and diet. Cut the carbs big time. No carbs after 5pm would be a good rule. Most people become pretty idle in the evening and those just get converted straight to fat then. To supplement, if you get hungry, boost your protein intake. Myoplex makes some great bars called CarbSense that are low in carbs and high in protein. A little expensive, but they are sweet in flavor, so good for cravings. Diet is 75% of it, so just eat right. More meats (or if vegan, tofu, seitin, etc.), salads, fruit, etc. As far as exercise goes, some light weight lifting with lots of reps, and DEFINITELY cardio. If you're not a runner now, start slow and work your way up. Jog a half mile, get to the point where you can go a mile, work on speed a little more, try for longer distances. Really the longer distances will help most - speed will only help with muscle toning. Good luck!
I have been on every diet in the book and then some. Nothing I have found is a permanent solution unless you are motivated to change your eating and probably your exercise program forever. Now I have started Weight Watchers for the third time. I have always believed in it because it is the healthiest program I know of. I just told myself I couldn't do it forever. But now I think I really can do it forever because Weight Watchers has changed so much. With the points system I can easily figure out how many points I am consuming for anything I want to eat. Everything is ok to eat on the new program as long as you count your points which is much easier than counting calories. They also have a lot of really delicious treats you can buy right there at the meeting. Today I had a crunchy chocolate mint bar...only 2 points and so delicious! I like to have a glass of wine or a cocktail once in a while and always felt like I was cheating on the old program but now I know one cocktail (diet soda) is 2 points or with regular soda it is 3 points. 4 ounces of wine (not dessert wine) is 2 points. I know I can have it if I budget for it. I am allowed 24 points a day and 35 extra points a week (if I want them) It is like I have been liberated and I am losing weight!! Try it. And good luck!
Same as the category...good diet %26 Fitness!BR
I've lost alot of weight,by drinking only water,and eatting small meals,like baked or boiled chicken.Stay away from white foods,like taters,butter beans,ect.baked or grilled pork,tuna.Exercise as much as you can!
don't look for any diets or quick fixes. the best way is to change your lifestyle. drink as much water as your body needs. eat organic as much as possible(as non organic contains toxic pesticides and chemical which are responsible for weight gain, fatigue etc..) stay away from sugar. exercise daily (don't think of it as a chore..you have to enjoy it otherwise you're not going to achieve your goal) and do strength/weight exercises every other day. you just have to bwcome in tune with your body and it will know what to do.
Exercise and diet. Cut the carbs big time. No carbs after 5pm would be a good rule. Most people become pretty idle in the evening and those just get converted straight to fat then. To supplement, if you get hungry, boost your protein intake. Myoplex makes some great bars called CarbSense that are low in carbs and high in protein. A little expensive, but they are sweet in flavor, so good for cravings. Diet is 75% of it, so just eat right. More meats (or if vegan, tofu, seitin, etc.), salads, fruit, etc. As far as exercise goes, some light weight lifting with lots of reps, and DEFINITELY cardio. If you're not a runner now, start slow and work your way up. Jog a half mile, get to the point where you can go a mile, work on speed a little more, try for longer distances. Really the longer distances will help most - speed will only help with muscle toning. Good luck!
I have been on every diet in the book and then some. Nothing I have found is a permanent solution unless you are motivated to change your eating and probably your exercise program forever. Now I have started Weight Watchers for the third time. I have always believed in it because it is the healthiest program I know of. I just told myself I couldn't do it forever. But now I think I really can do it forever because Weight Watchers has changed so much. With the points system I can easily figure out how many points I am consuming for anything I want to eat. Everything is ok to eat on the new program as long as you count your points which is much easier than counting calories. They also have a lot of really delicious treats you can buy right there at the meeting. Today I had a crunchy chocolate mint bar...only 2 points and so delicious! I like to have a glass of wine or a cocktail once in a while and always felt like I was cheating on the old program but now I know one cocktail (diet soda) is 2 points or with regular soda it is 3 points. 4 ounces of wine (not dessert wine) is 2 points. I know I can have it if I budget for it. I am allowed 24 points a day and 35 extra points a week (if I want them) It is like I have been liberated and I am losing weight!! Try it. And good luck!
What is the best Protein shake I should take??
I am 20 years old, 5'6 weigh 120 and i am trying to get big. I go to the gym 4 times a week and i have an idea of what i am doing. AS for protein shake, i do take a GNC MASsXXX high calories protein. Im just wandering is that the right one i should be taking or if there are any other ones i should look in to. Any recommendations would be great. Thank you...
I like BSN products. They are a little expensive but they work good. They have Syntha 6 which is a good tasting protein drink. I use the "Mass stack" which is Nitrix, NO Explode, and Cellmass. The stack costs about $120/month through their "planned performance" where they send it to you each month. I have had great results. If you use it, follow the directions and drink plenty of water. I promise you will not be disappointed.www.bsnonline.net
Muscle milk! Its purpose serves as a bulking drink. It has about 32g of protein and 17g of fat! My boyfriend drinks it and has really gotten big!
I use CytoSport Muscle Milk--It is whey protein and has creatine also, so you don't have to buy that separately. I get mine at GNC, but I'm sure it's available at other places.
When bulking, you want to raise your carb, protein, and fat content by at least 15%. So you'll be getting way more than 100%...probably more like 145 or 150% of your calories.
I like BSN products. They are a little expensive but they work good. They have Syntha 6 which is a good tasting protein drink. I use the "Mass stack" which is Nitrix, NO Explode, and Cellmass. The stack costs about $120/month through their "planned performance" where they send it to you each month. I have had great results. If you use it, follow the directions and drink plenty of water. I promise you will not be disappointed.www.bsnonline.net
Muscle milk! Its purpose serves as a bulking drink. It has about 32g of protein and 17g of fat! My boyfriend drinks it and has really gotten big!
I use CytoSport Muscle Milk--It is whey protein and has creatine also, so you don't have to buy that separately. I get mine at GNC, but I'm sure it's available at other places.
When bulking, you want to raise your carb, protein, and fat content by at least 15%. So you'll be getting way more than 100%...probably more like 145 or 150% of your calories.
What is the best program?
i am going to deliver my fourth baby on September 7th...i did not gain much wieght because i gained all my weight with the third so my body just adapted ..i am kinda not muscular and my belly in very out of shape how do i start to make an excercise program that works and is not tons of time..because with four kids i can't be working out for 3 hours...please help.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Hi there I'm a mum of 5 children and and I have always found it hard I can take my weight off and around my tummy to I have this neat program that I am on contact me
You only have to exercise 3 to 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes to stay in shape. Buy an aerobics video along with a set of 5 lb weights, that way you can work out in the convenience of your own home. Most only last between 30 to 45 minutes and offer fat burning, toning, and ab exercises. Might I suggest Denise Austin. Walking is also great. You can walk around the track at the park with your baby in the stroller while your other kids play on the playground. In addition to exercising, change your eating habits. Eat smaller portions of food, drink plenty of water instead of soft drinks and juices, and replace that candy bar snack with an apple instead. Save desserts for special occasions and then add a few extra minutes to you workout.
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website
http://www.greatpop.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Hi there I'm a mum of 5 children and and I have always found it hard I can take my weight off and around my tummy to I have this neat program that I am on contact me
You only have to exercise 3 to 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes to stay in shape. Buy an aerobics video along with a set of 5 lb weights, that way you can work out in the convenience of your own home. Most only last between 30 to 45 minutes and offer fat burning, toning, and ab exercises. Might I suggest Denise Austin. Walking is also great. You can walk around the track at the park with your baby in the stroller while your other kids play on the playground. In addition to exercising, change your eating habits. Eat smaller portions of food, drink plenty of water instead of soft drinks and juices, and replace that candy bar snack with an apple instead. Save desserts for special occasions and then add a few extra minutes to you workout.
My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website
http://www.greatpop.info , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
What is the best program to work on my abs.?
I'm 41 yrs old male and I have never been to gym before. I wanted to work out on my big belly, what is the best program to get a nice abs?
Abdominal muscles are only visible when you have a seriously low fat content. basically the only reaon people appear to have big abs is because they have almost no fat on their stomachs.
but to start off gently you can use a sit up chair which u lie on and sit up. It produces a rolling motion which helps u get up. Its great for begginers. Check out argos for the best stuff.
I cut down my junk food completely(No pizza, red meat) and focused more on fruits, yogurt and vegetables. I did crunches for about 10 minutes a day everyday. I dropped 2 inches off my waist in a little over 4 months.
You need to lose body fat.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
Abdominal muscles are only visible when you have a seriously low fat content. basically the only reaon people appear to have big abs is because they have almost no fat on their stomachs.
but to start off gently you can use a sit up chair which u lie on and sit up. It produces a rolling motion which helps u get up. Its great for begginers. Check out argos for the best stuff.
I cut down my junk food completely(No pizza, red meat) and focused more on fruits, yogurt and vegetables. I did crunches for about 10 minutes a day everyday. I dropped 2 inches off my waist in a little over 4 months.
You need to lose body fat.
Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.
What is the best powder to take to gain muscles? Like Creatine and Whey?
also does it do anything to your body like steroids making ur .. smaller?
American Whey protein is the best.
Mix easier and taste better.
Also works great!!And the best Creatine Is Betagen.
Has great taste and is very good for the muscles!!Try both of them when i go for a competion every 3-4 times a yr.And you can get American whey protein from Boeafitness.comAnd Betagen from http://www.a1supplements.com/betagen-hp-...
Good luckFrom the staff of http://www.boeafitness.com
Whey protein will get you great results and doesn't have all the nasty side effects that can come with creatine and/or steroids. Look for something that has low calories and sugar, but with a lot of protein. 100% Whey Gold Standard is one you can get at GNC. It has 120 calories, 1g sugar, and 24g protein. Pretty good!
American Whey protein is the best.
Mix easier and taste better.
Also works great!!And the best Creatine Is Betagen.
Has great taste and is very good for the muscles!!Try both of them when i go for a competion every 3-4 times a yr.And you can get American whey protein from Boeafitness.comAnd Betagen from http://www.a1supplements.com/betagen-hp-...
Good luckFrom the staff of http://www.boeafitness.com
Whey protein will get you great results and doesn't have all the nasty side effects that can come with creatine and/or steroids. Look for something that has low calories and sugar, but with a lot of protein. 100% Whey Gold Standard is one you can get at GNC. It has 120 calories, 1g sugar, and 24g protein. Pretty good!
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